Welcome to Career Life Orientation!

Welcome to Career Life Orientation!

Welcome to Career Life Orientation!

At Career Life, we are committed to helping you achieve your academic and professional goals by offering personalized guidance every step of the way.

Personalized Study Plan: We know every student is unique, so we create personalized study plans that align with your interests, goals, and learning pace.
Career Planning: If you’re unsure about which career to pursue, we help you build a strong university profile that will make you stand out in your applications.
In-Depth Research on Academic Programs and Universities: We provide research on academic programs and universities, giving you reports on trends, forecasts, and rankings.
Explore University Campuses and Fairs: Visit university campuses and attend educational fairs.
Admission Process: We guide you step-by-step through the admission process for universities or colleges, helping you meet all academic and non-academic requirements.
Post-Application Support: After submitting your application, we continue to assist you with course selection for your first year of university.
Virtual High School Diploma: For students who need to complete courses or do not have an International Baccalaureate, we offer the opportunity to obtain your high school diploma virtually.
Study Abroad: If your dream is to study in Canada, we provide personalized consulting to help you choose the best destination and academic program, supporting you through every step of the process.
Summer Camps: Additionally, through our agreements with universities, we offer the chance to participate in summer camps.
International Business-Oriented Volunteering: Thanks to our agreement with the Peruvian-Canadian Chamber of Commerce, we offer an international business-oriented volunteer program.

At Career Life Orientation, we are with you at every stage of your academic and professional success journey. Let us be your guide in this exciting adventure!

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