Greenfields Exploration in Peru – June 13
Our in-person Mining Conference: Greenfields Exploration Sector in Peru, took place in Toronto on Monday, June 13th.
Alvaro Fernandez-Baca, Vice President of Exploration at TINKA Resources, explained the favorable environment for Peru by showing the raising prices in the last five years of the main export metals of Peru. Trends in global mineral discoveries were presented; Exploration Projects in Peru for 2022 were listed and the actual opportunities and challenges for Greenfields exploration in Peru were discussed.
Daniel Ricica, Partner at KPMG Canada, gave us an overview of the procedures related to a successful IPO in the TSX, TSXV.
Sebastian Benavides Kolind-Hansen, President of the Organizing Commission of the XIII International Congress of Prospectors and Explorers, invited the various industry professionals, as well as owners of mining concessions, to present their projects, technically supported, to be exhibited during proEXPLO 2023 (under the slogan “Discovering the mining of the future”) that will take place in May 2023.