Letter from the PCCC President

Letter from the PCCC President

Letter from the PCCC President

Looking back on our performance in 2021 as we get ready for 2022, it is a great time to reflect on what we have accomplished, and the plans we have for an exciting 2022.

I’d like to start by thanking every member, partner, and volunteer of the PCCC and recognize we would not be here without the contributions made by each and every one of you. I would also like to thank Arturo Ruiz for all his leadership and support to the Chamber during his presidency (2020-2021). Thank you!

Our strategic plan for 2022 focuses on 4 main areas. Firstly, we will expand our efforts to develop new strategic partnerships which will drive benefits to our members and our communities by supporting our vision of creating opportunities and connections. Secondly, for our members, the focus is on improving our services provided in terms of quality of service and quantity. All of our work won’t be possible without our volunteers, so our third area of focus is to implement mentoring programs and development for our volunteers to attract and keep the right talent. Lastly to continue strengthening the core of our organization by the continuous improvement of our process and standards.

From an organizational point of view, we incorporated two new directors to the board and recruited many volunteers to support the services provided by the Chamber. At the end of 2021, we also welcomed a new board. To meet the new board members, visit https://perucanadacc.ca/news/pccc-announces-new-president.

Last year was a year of growth, change, and transition. At the beginning of the year, we transitioned our organization from a provincial chamber of commerce to a federal chamber, this change expands our opportunities and access to additional resources that will benefit our members in the future.

Due to the COVID situation we focused on hosting webinars, we delivered over ten webinars to promote education and investment in different sectors such as Technology, Mining, Infrastructure, Investment opportunities in Peru, among others, and we had the participation of important functionaries from Peru and Canada such as Ambassadors, Ministers, and Trade Commissioners and other Executives. Some of the webinars were joint efforts with our strategic partners such as E&Y, KPMG, Canadian Institute of Mining, Sociedad Geologica del Peru.

We also focused on developing our social media presence, especially on LinkedIn, promoting relevant content to our followers which allowed us to grow our followers by 40% compared to 2020.

With the executive team in place and with the help of our amazing volunteers and partners, we are really making strides in achieving our strategic goal of becoming a referral partner in the development of commerce between Peru and Canada and this 2022 will be a great year to deliver growth and opportunities.

I look forward to connecting with all our members and volunteers. Thank you,

Alexis Ricordi,
President PCCC


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